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Flexible Snake Camera - Color

The slim flexible snake camera is capable of reaching the smallest of places. The flexible cable between the handle and lens is 29.5 inches. This camera was used in the movie "Executive Decision" by US agents trying to save a plane from hijackers.

dvr 9 channelThe snake camera is designed to have a focal point of about 2 -8 inches from the subject and the lens is fixed and not adjustable. Objects or people can be visualized at a distance of 6-8 feet with this camera. However, objects beyond the focal point of 2-8 inches will start to become fuzzy. The camera was designed primarily for close up inspection applications and not necessarily for the surveillance of objects or people from a long distance. If very detailed imaging needs to be performed with this camera on objects further than a few feet away then this camera will probably not work for you. The PC-SNAKE camera is however excellent for viewing hard to reach places and many other industrial purposes.


Snake Color Camera

29.5 inches flexible cable between the mini lens and the slim camera board

- Image Sensor: 1/4" COLOR CCD CAMERA
- Min. lllumination : 0.2Lux/F1.4
- Pixel :NTSC-250K
- Power Source:DC 12V
- Resolution 350 lines
- Lens: 4.0mm

Was $548.00
Now only $415.00 each


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CBG Security & Surveillance Technologies

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Minneapolis, MN  55417

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